Ticket Giveaway

[Event] BLUE MOON 2013 CNBLUE World Tour – Live in Hong Kong Ticket Giveaway!

 May 6, 2013


Hello Everyone, thank you so much Joi-unnie for sponsoring the ticket for this give-away event.

To those who are in Hong Kong or going to Hong Kong who haven’t purchased a ticket yet for BLUE MOON 2013 CNBLUE World Tour – Live in Hong Kong on Friday, May 10, 2013 at Asiaworld Arena, Hong Kong… Here’s your chance to get a ticket!

Ticket Details: Block D Row F Seat 40

Simply tweet the following message below:

I@CNBSTORM BLUE MOON 2013 CNBLUE World Tour in Hong Kong Ticket Giveaway!

And comment on this post the permalink of your tweet containing the message above. The winner will be selected via random.org. The winner’s twitter ID will be announced on this post on Thursday May 9, 2013 at 3:00 PM and will be contacted via twitter. Please do not change your twitter ID until then. Hurry and tweet now!

How to get the permalink of your tweet? After tweeting, you will see the tweet at your timeline. On the specific tweet, click on the time when it was tweeted. The time is located at the upper right corner of the tweet. Then, it will proceed to another link containing only your tweet. Get that link and post it as a comment below. For example, please see Lyna4u’s 1st comment on this post.

The winner will be able to claim the ticket during the concert. Thus, the winner should be in Hong Kong. Meet-up details will be given by our agent in Hong Kong, Jenna.

نظرات 69 + ارسال نظر
raha 1392/02/23 ساعت 15:55 http://so-random1.persianblog.ir

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البته صد درصد بنده یا ارزو شما رو به بروبچز معرفی کنیم

rezaalibi 1392/02/22 ساعت 11:38

البته اون موقع شاید کمتر ببینمت اخه همه بروبچز میان
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