[Scans|Trans] The FNC Magazine – Lee Jungshin’s Interview
‘In the end of the day, when I am about to sleep I have to do special treatment for my lips. My lip is very dry type so right before sleep I always applies moisturizer to keep the moisture lips. I use non perfume lip balm since I need it for treatment. Because of that I have no problem when I have to talk or perform on the stage.’
‘If take a look closely among the part of my body, the one who look stands out is eye. I have keen eyes! Of course the other parts are outstanding too (laugh). I used to hear people said that I have gentle eyes but once I get angry my eyes could be so scary. Fortunately, I am not the type of people who get angry easily so I think there is no chance to see my scary eyes.
‘At school I have a lot of friends; I used to close with many of my old teachers. I used to very serious person when it comes to do every assignment; I never made a scene, fussing or something, I am hardly remember I ever had fought with my schoolmates either. And I was really obedient kid so how it possible the teachers did not like me?’
Kang Minhyuk Interviewing Lee Jungshin
مین هیوک با جونگ شین مصاحبه میکنه
Good point of Lee Jungshin
خوبیه جونگ شین؟
I am a positive person.
ادم مثبتی هستم
What if you are happening to meet your ideal type on the street?
اگه زن ایده الت رو تو خیابون ببینی؟
I just pass her by, even though I would be regretting later.
فقط ردش میکنم حتی اگه بعدا خاطرش تاسف بخورم(چرا؟؟؟؟؟؟)
What if your crush likes Minhyuk?
اگه مثه مین هیوک له بشی؟
I will just say, “I see”.
فقط میگم دیدم
From woman point of view, what is Lee Jungshin’s charm?
از نظر یه زن جادوی جونگ شین چیه؟
My charm is humble.
فروتنی من()
Give a name for these two cats.
واسه اون دوتا گربه اسم بذار
“Ciblue” and “Nyam Nyami”
If you are gifted to give ability and power to the cat, what kind of ability you want to give?
اگه بخای به اونا توانایی ببخشی کدومارو میدی؟
I want to give them a power to sweep away my fatigue.
میخام نیرویی بهشون بدم که بتونن خستگی منو دور کنن(چه خیالاتی)
Named one thing Lee Jungshin is better than cat.
یه دلیل بیار که جونگ شین از گربه بهتره
I am bigger.
من بزرگترم(همین؟؟؟؟؟؟؟)
And named one thing Lee Jungshin is worse than cat.
یه دلیل که جونگ شین از گربه بدتره
I have no fur as much as the cat.
من مثه گربه کرک و مو ندارم(تو دیگه کی هستی)
If you are not happening to be an entertainer, what might you do right now?
اگه نتونی سرگرم بشی چی کار میکنی؟
I do not know.
In the past, what do you think you are?
تو گذشته فک میکردی چی هستی؟
I was a frog prince.
پرنس قورباغه ها(اوهوم..)
If you have a sister to who you want to introduced her?
اگه یه خواهر داشته باشی به کی میدیش؟
I will introduce her to nobody.
به هیشکی نمیدمش(باهاش ترشی درس میکنه)
If you are happening to have 1.000.000 won, what did you want to do for the first time?
اگه 1000000برنده بشی باهاش چی کار میکنی؟
I will save all the cash.
همه شو پس انداز میکنم(پس انداز میکنه)
You are happening to have a big debt, who do you think will loan you cash?
اگه یه قرض بزرگ داشته باشی فک میکنی کی کمکت میکنه؟
It seems will no body.
به نظر میرسه هیشکی
What do you think right now?
الان به چی داری فک میکنی؟
I want to eat samgyeopsal (pork belly), I want to eat meat, I want to have cat as my pet.
(به این بالاییا)
When you are eat samgyeopsal with Minhyuk and there only one piece left, what do you will do?
اگه با مین هیوکsamgyeopsalبخوری و یه تیکه ازش بمونه چی کار میکنی؟
I will let Minhyuk to have it because he seems pretty miserable.
میذارم مین هیوک بخوره چون بیچاره به نظر میرسه
What if you have a day, ah no, a week off holiday?
اگه یه هفته تعطیلات داشته باشی؟
I will go to Jejudo, rent a car and drive along, playing around and eat meat.
(این کارا رو میکنه)
At this moment named three things that make you enthusiastic.
5تا کاری که مشتاقی انجام بدی
I will named five, acting, automotive, fashion, watches, and concert.
Named your childhood dream you want to make it reality nowadays
رویاهایی که تو بچه گی داشتی والان میتونی بهشون برسی
1. Compose a good song.
یه اهنگ خوب بخونم
2. Completing “My Daughter Seoyoung” finely.3. Buying car.
ماشین بخرم
اسونن دیگه خودتون معنی کنین خسته شدم
You already have a car, which place you want to visit the most?
I will go to Incheon because from there I can go anywhere. (Did he mean Incheon international airport?)
What things Kang SeungJae had given to Lee Jungshin?
He gave me experience.
(For Lee Jungshin they are …)
Yonghwa is Yong’s dove.
Jonghyun is a poor elder brother.
Minhyuk is a sparrow.
CNBLUE is a pal.
‘Honestly, when every one said to me “everything will be okay”, that is a big burden to me.’
Since I am the last CNBLUE’s members who step up into acting field, I felt a lot of burden. Honestly, when everyone said “everything will be okay”, that is a big burden to me. At first, I thought acting is not my things, because surely, the whole thing is not as easy as they are talking about. Some news who came up with headline “Reaching the peak rating” make people start to gossip about and it make me deadly stressful. My first target on my first drama is: “I have to do the best so that I will not screw up the whole set” and next thing I become ambitious and saying “I have to be able to act naturally” as my second target. I know up to this time I am lacking in many things but I make an effort to make it better little by little. In the beginning as idol I am not doing solo activities yet, it felt dreadful. The other members understand those feeling better than anybody else does and because of that I do feel thankful. All of them keep supporting me. I am really happy to have a chance to act together with many senior actors and actress. Especially Lee Boyoung noona because she is my ideal type, honestly even on my wildest dream I never been dreamt to act together in a drama like this!
‘I want to seek for the kind of music that makes many people want to listen and curious about it.’
I am recently challenging the acting field for the first time through drama “My Daughter Seoyoung” and the changes I have gone as an actor Lee Jungshin is also helping my musical activities a lot. Since this is my first time as an actor I told my self frequently that I am extremely low place (he means, his acting knowledge is still negligible). It is a kind of mind control. This mental attitude helps me while I am made myself to do better both as a singer and a bassist. Is not my challenging task and goal to be more and more suit for CNBLUE as a bassist? As for CNBLUE, while we are finding our own color, we want to search for the kind of music that makes people want to listen and curious about it and I want to challenge myself everyday and for a long time in the future as CNBLUE’s bassist.
خخخخخخخ آره خیلی گربه ها رو می دوستم
وااااااااای گربه شو چه نااااااازه

من عاشق گربه ام
به به رها خانوم چه عجب از این طرفاااااا
عاشق گربه ای؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
خب بچه راس میگه دیگه دلیلی از این بهتر بزرگتره دیه
پرنس قورباغه ها؟

چه آدم با حالی بیشتر ازش خوشم اومد
mirim badi
manam hamash in juri misham vakhti ziad tarjome mikonam mokham ghofl mikone
اشکم دراومد بس که ترجمه کردم
i see bazi vakhta mese alan fahmidam o dark mikonam mani mishe
chera mmikhad zane morede alaghasho rad kone bere????????????????????
naraftam kelas
akheiiiiiiiiiii nazi nazi
delam bare minhyuk kabab shoooooooooooood
2 tas dg???????????
وایییییییییییی نه گربه من می ترسم از گربه

گربه که ترس نداره عسیسم
هم گربه خیلی ناز بودهم عشقم...مرسی
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